A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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Adult content warning:
Contains vore, digestion and weight gain

The story:
The sleepy town of Stockyard-on-Labon gets disturbed by the arrival of the king's army, and life for thieves gets hard. Driven by hunger and desperation, a lone rogue takes the ultimate risk and ventures into the abandoned ruin nearby - the Hundred Thieves' Demise.

Troubles quickly arise - an army of guards chases the rogue inside, and to make matters worse her body becomes possessed by a man-eating evil spirit dwelling within.

But maybe one problem can be used to solve the other...

She was already starving - now the spirit has made her ravenous. It's time to fill her empty belly.


  • Sneak around and let the spirit consume enemies one by one, striking fear into the hearts of the rest
  • Retreat into the shadows to digest and allocate the essence of consumed enemies to improve your skills
  • Change tactics as you gain weight - crossbeams may not support your weight, and narrow crevices become inaccessible


  • Left mouse to attack (Valid targets are highlighted cyan)
  • WASD to move
  • E to interact with doors
  • Space to climb over obstacles
  • Shift to run
  • Ctrl to toggle crouch
  • C for skills menu
  • Z to reveal enemies
  • P and [ to increment skills and belly (Toggle "debug keys" in options to access)
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
TagsAdult, Godot, Stealth
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

hungry-shadows-windows-beta.zip 74 MB
Version 7
hungry-shadows-linux-beta.zip 71 MB
Version 7
options.cfg 312 bytes
Version 1

Development log


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v fun nwn

Have you considered adding a face for the character? But disable the face using the current darkness effect during swallowing?


z permanately makes my world dark


Great game so far!


more plsssss

Will some new enemies be added? For example, a small one with good hearing will send a signal to other guards around him when he finds a player, and a large one with a slow moving speed but a large attack range and high attack damage.


Quite fun and promising so far. I encountered a handful of bugs, though nothing that fully stopped any runs. I'm playing on Windows 10.

(tried to avoid listing known bugs unless I found something new)

1. Door at the bottom of the ladder right next to the start opens into the void, lol. (this one did stop a run, but it was right at the start so I just laughed and reloaded)

2. On my first few play sessions, there were long loads when reloading the level after death, but the game would load instantly if I reload before death. 

    2.1 On recent playthroughs. loads were always instant.

    2.2 Also, guards keep attacking after you die.

3. Adding to the "Enemy Reveal Breaks Brightness" bug discussion:

    3.1 Tapping Z can sometimes increase brightness instead of decreasing it. Sometimes tapping or holding Z again or adjusting the brightness in settings will fix this.

    3.2 Upon reloading the level, brightness seems to be set to the default relatively high value regardless of the settings. Pressing or tapping Z fixes this.

4. On my first few playthroughts, the game would occassionally freeze for a few seconds when trying to eat guards. I think this happened more often when I wasn't facing the guard head-on or when the guard and I were on non-flat geometry, but I'm not certain. Scenarios which caused a freeze once didn't always cause a freeze the next 5 times.

    4.1 Like the loads, this happened more on my first playthroughs. On my last playthrough (just before posting this) I encountered zero freezes despite running wild and scooping up guards from every angle.

5. Lights seem to bleed through walls a bit. This is useful for keeping track of guards' movements without using the highlight enemies ability, but I could see that taking away from some of the challenge of future levels.

6. Running towards downward staircases often launches you forward into the air.

7. Guards get stuck at the door to room 2, but they can push each other through the threshold. If they do this, their pathfinding seems to get stuck and they can't go back through. I figured this out by messing with Debug to get a large enough belly to alert every guard (after clearing room 1).

8. I'm a bit uncertain about what makes a guard "eatable". Can you only eat them when they don't know you're there, or do they just have to be close to you? Aggressive guards are usually not eatable, but kiting them around a corner (or just a pillar) changes this.

The core gameplay loop seems quite promising. I think there's plenty of room to add interesting gameplay mechanics and set up fun scenarios. Just figuring out how to alert the guards in the cellar and then kite them to split them up on my first playthrough was a fun challenge.



When I try to open game I just get a grey screen and a "Godot Engine is not responding" message... 


Neat game. I think the beta is a good proof of concept to expand upon. The guard AI is a bit goofy, though. They seem to either spot you for no reason or be completely oblivious to your existence. 
Also I figured out I can do this:

And while I think we should have some ability to actually defend ourselves if we get cornered, I don't think this gameplay interaction is the intended design. xD

Nice exploit! And yes, I think a demon-infested fear-inducing predator shoud be much more terrifying for the regular guards at the later stages of the game, not to mention much less bothered by them.


Pretty nice game. Went through it a few times and there are some valid comments here so far. Such as being able to eat guards through floors, walls, and doors. Or when a random guard VERY far away would question another missing guard that would not be near them. Honestly, I just want some BIG OL tiddies if that could be adjusted. Keep up the good work fella. <3


neat demo/beta build, some critic

- when you regenerate health you should be flagged as "out of combat", getting hit by a enemy should stop health regeneration or delay it

- new talent for health, the way you are fragile is fine, but i think there will be stronger enemys later in the development

- higher skillable values, especially capacity. when a threshold is reached forward speed is set to 0, and a way to move would be by walking backwards at a slow pace


Thank you!

- The health regen being constant was intentional to let the player escape tough situations, but I will see if other players also want an out-of-combat check.

- Health pool gets bigger as you eat more guards, but it is a very slow increase. I will see about increasing the health gain.

- Is this a bug you are describing with the zero speed? I haven't encountered behavior like this and do not understand why it might be desirable if you are describing it as a suggestion.

3rd point is not a bug more a suggestion, no strange behaviour occured during the gameplay


It is a great game and I see amazing potential in it. For the first public beta it is just awesome.

I love it, and I think I would enjoy playing a full game like this, especially with more polished mechanics and maybe some plot and new models/features/mechanics.


1. If you use "Z" to see enemies through walls, it kills brightness and does not reset it after you release the button and stop using the ability. Therefore, you can't see anything after this point unless you go to options and set brightness to extreme levels. Since I, being a new player, play very cautiously when I start playing a new stealth game I don't know, thig bug has greeted me with open arms.

2. As I see it, currently there is no way to say what "weight" character has, since player's model looks identically scrawny at any "weight" level right now. However, I have suspicions that it does not work as intended, since beams start screaming atrociously even after the player has eaten just one guard and climbs on empty stomach after having digested them.

2.1 If you break the beam with your thiCC body, its splinters never despawn, even when restarting the map. It shall spawn a new beam as a replacement, sure, but the old splinters shall remain where they were.

3. Sometimes guards seem to have psychic abilities: they start getting worried about another guard being missing while they never meet the other guard on their standard root, so they just feel compelled to go and check the situation for no reason even if the player is hidden somewhere in the corner and the missing guard's sword and torch lay far away and, of course, out of sight and hearing range.

3.1 The door that separates the first room from the second one (There are three rooms: starting room, corridor and wine cellar. I mean the door that separates the starting room and the corridor) appears to be bugged. Guards cannot go through this doorway even when it is wide open and they see the player in front of them. They may even try to poke at the player with their sword, but never manage to go through the door.

3.2 I know it is alright for the beta, but currently there is no death animation/sound or any clue that it happened unless we count the empty health bar. A more clear death screen (at least some text that would say "You were captured" or "You are dead") would be a nice touch.

3.3 Currently I cannot really tell what icons at the bottom of the screen signify what. I can tell what the health bar does, what is the light meter, what is the stomach capacity meter, but I can't understand what the wiggly-smoke-like sign next to it means. And the icon that is just a white square seems to be connected to the "Z" button ability.

4. Currently player can swallow enemies while climbing the ladders, which makes the player climb the air. The animation works surprisingly smooth, though, so I would even accept it as a feature explained by the Daemon possession.

4.1 Player can also swallow guards through walls which, on one hand, is a valid stealth tactic, but on the other hand, is an obvious way of cheesing and bullying poor guards.

I hope this bug report and feedback helps! I hope you enjoy working on this project, I wish you good luck with it all! ^^


Thank you very much for the constructive feedback!

1. I am trying to look into the brightness bug, but currently there's very few leads as to what causes it.

2. The fattening system is very overtuned currently, to account for a full game's length - you reach full fat level after eating 100 guards, which is kind of unachievable unless the player is tenacious or spams the debug key.

2.1 This is a new bug to me, I will look into the despawning but I have an inkling it's caused by the splinters spawning under the wrong parent.

3. The guards' hearing goes through walls at the moment, which can cause odd situations like this. Do you mean guards will hear abnormally far?

3.1 This is a persistent pathfinding bug I will try to assess with the next version.

3.2 A death/capture scene is in the works, but adding a "you died" text is a good idea!

3.3 An icon legend could be useful here, but to explain: the gray square next to the heart is the stamina bar, which goes down when sprinting and using the vision ability. The wiggly icon represents sound radius, with the top of the bar signifying 10m sound range.

4. This is a bug I've never encountered until today, will look into either disabling the attack or keeping the player's rotation locked to the ladder.

4.1 Does this happen when guards are clipping through walls/doors? Their hitbox should be firmly on the other side of the obstacle.

My pleasure!

2. I see. Is it intended that the player's weight should break the beams after eating just a few guards or is it just there for the test purposes now (so we could see beams breaking) and we are going to have a completely different set of rules for weight and beams breaking under the thief's weight in the future?

2.1 Most probably this. The funny thing is you can potentially litter the entire hallway with these splinters if you continue to reset the level and break the same beam over and over. The splinters do not have collision, but it looks funny how the guards casually walk through the hallway like "Yes, another day walking through a bunch of broken wood back and forth". Love some fun that is to be gotten from bugs.

3. No, it does not seem to be caused by noise and their hearing. It seems as if they have some kind of a hivemind or maybe they see through walls. For example, there is a guard, I guess, who is supposed to patrol the area in the third room (wine cellar), but I am not sure, maybe he is supposed to be in the second room. The fact is, everytime I go to the second room, I swallow the guard in the corridor from behind the corner (which I call "swallowing through the wall", because animation looks like this is what is happening), nobody is alerted. I go to hide in the shadows on the second floor to the right to digest, and then another guard goes there, to the spot where the torch and sword lie, to comment on how somebody is missing or should have passed them by now. And the door to the third room appears to be opened. So I suspect it is either some guard seeing the lying sword and torch from the wine cellar through the walls and door and going there to look at them, or some guard who somehow gets triggered by swallowing this specific guard in the second room. Because other guards in the same room do not seem to always be affected by this: sometimes the guard on the left, the one who patrols near the boxes, notices the leftovers and comes to investigate too, and sometimes he doesn't. The guard on the right does not seem to notice it at any playthrough, since he does not really end up close enough in accordance with his route to notice, it seems. I actually feel like testing it a bit more, so I might soon try and update you on this one.

3.3 I see, thank you! Indeed, icon legend is a good thing to have, especially if there is going to be some "tutorial" in the future updates.

4.1 I have not seen the guards really clipping through anything, they are good boys and do not seem to break the laws of collision. However, the player model may be behind the wall near a corner or near an open door, and when the guard is close enough, they may swallow the guard, technically through the obstacle, but at the same time it may be seen as swallowing them from behind the corner, which is a valid stealth game tactic. So I am not really sure it is a real issue, because it would be too hardcore without such forgiving hitboxes. So I think it is actually cool, no need to look into it unless it proves to be an issue in the future.

I hope it helps a bit.


2. Good question, I think beams will get stronger as the game progresses to account for the thief gaining weight through the levels. They have a random weight tolerance to introduce some randomness into each playthrough, but I am not sure  how well this works out in practice.

3. There is a guard patrolling the upper walkway in the wine cellar, directly below the second room's floor. I suspect he hears the guard being swallowed through the floor and by the time he reaches the spot to investigate, you're gone into hiding. See if you can spot the guard's "I heard a noise" exclamation through the floor as you swallow the guard in the second room? You can also use Z to check where he is, and see when he gets triggered to investigate.

4.1 The swallow attack's collision check originates from the camera, not the player character. I see how this can cause around-the-corner swallows, and will see if I can implement an extra collision check from thief to guard.

Thank you again for the feedback!

Sorry, I had to attend to some affairs and respond only now.

So, turns out the guard that patrols the wine cellar indeed is triggered by the slightest sound from the upper floor, and it is no surprise. In fact, the player can see this guard without the cat sight ability due to the fact his torch emits the smoke that goes through the second room's floor and can be seen quite well. It looks very funny, so I had my laugh.

I had also tested the weight system and, yes, I see very subtle changes in the model. Beams seem to withstand the player who has eaten and digested three guards, so it is alright for the current version of the game.

While testing it I have found out a very overfed (through debugging P button) player can make the entire map very anxious and bothered by the loud sounds of gargantuan gut that cover the entire map and trigger even those three guards at the very bottom of the map in the wine cellar.

after running through the map a couple of times and hearing that assets grow and not really seeing it, I enabled debug mode and made a macro to spam P, was hilarious to see what size you can reach and fall through the floor because of spamming debug button


Hey, apologies if this sounds a tad weird, but I am having a very strange and rather extreme visual issue. See, every time I look... somewhere (Not sure if it's triggered by a certain direction or a certain object), a giant, pure-white oval covers the entirety of my screen.
The game goes on as normal, I can move, open the menu and everything, but there is just a white oval that is blocking my entire view. I have re-downloaded the game, with no change in sight. I have disabled and enabled every option in the settings, but nothing seemed to affect it at all.
If I had to guess what causes it, it seems like you put some kind of cat-eye lens effect in, which is (for some reason) messing up on my end. I'm not sure if this is purely an issue with my PC or if the download is being weird, but I figured I'd bring it up in case it happens to anyone else.


To add info to this: I am able to enter cat's eye with this and it shows me the reticle, so it seems to be some kind of visual overlay that is messing up. It's only happening to me as some of my friends can play without issue, but I cannot fathom why this happens.

I thought it was because my monitor is extremely large, but going into windowed mode and adjusting the window size to sizes comparably to the monitors of my friends didn't change anything either - it seems like there is something that the game doesn't like about my PC or my graphics drivers. I am using AMD, so not sure if that would mess with this or not, but it's nevertheless pretty strange and frustrating.

After trying to ascertain why it is happening, it seems that maybe it's something related to looking at lights, like a lense flare messing up? Not sure what else it could be, but the most surefire way to avoid it is to look straight up for some reason.

This is a very strange bug... I use an Nvidia card so maybe that is the cause? The game has no cats-eye lens effect or lens flare, so I cannot say those are the cause of the effect. If the effect looks 2D, it might be caused by one of the UI elements blowing out of proportion?

Apologies for the late reply, I was gone all day.

It's a tad hard to describe what it looks like, but it is completely static apart from the edges, which are... flowing? They have this wavy quality to them, if that makes any sense? I kept an eye on the UI and nothing seemed to change, the only idea I have is that it may be something with the light meter?

The thing that really messes with my head is that I cannot fathom what it's tied to - I thought it was lighting, but the oval appears and disappears when I leave the camera idling and step away from my PC, so it's probably not entirely that either?

It is for sure some kind of overlay, as it is affected by the cat's eye (When I press Z, the reticle stays white but the oval turns into a light shade of gray), so maybe it is something with Godot itself? It could be anything, which is the fascinating part.

I'm really not sure what this is caused by, but I hope that it may fix itself with a new version. If push comes to shove I'll just download it on my laptop instead, but it'd be a shame to not experience this game as it was meant to be played.

Can I ask you to create an issue on GitHub so I can try delve into it more? There you can upload screenshots, send hardware information, etc and it will be easier to keep track of than in the comments here.


This is very promising!


Issue tracker is up! Please check if your issue has already been reported and open a new issue if not.

Just as a weird question since I just seen this will there be a mobile option later?

NOTE: you must access and save options at least once to unlock mouse sensitivity

Version 7 fixes this bug

i cant look around with the mouse

this seems to be a bug related to options not being generated on startup, try adjusting mouse sensitivity setting then saving